Satisfied policyholders at the EGK

In the most recent rating, our policyholders gave EGK an overall rating of "good". The friendliness of employees and accessibility scored above average.

In 2022, the online comparison service platform had health insurers rated by the independent market research institute Ipsos. In 2022, 1,500 people expressed their opinions on the subject of satisfaction with their basic health insurance and assessed certain criteria.

The average satisfaction among the health insurers taken into account has dropped from 8 points to 7.8 points in comparison with the Corona year 2021. The insured are most satisfied with the friendliness of health insurer employees (8 points), followed by the accuracy and clarity of the statements (7.9 points), general satisfaction (7.9 points) and accessibility (7.8 points).

"Friendliness" and "Accessibility" above average

The EGK health insurance fund was also rated "good". For the criteria "Friendliness of employees" it was above average with 8.2. It also outperformed the average of all the health insurers considered with a score of 8.2 for "Accessibility of the health insurer".