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Onion wrap

The temperature-controlled applications may be left as long as they are warm and considered comfortable. If the person requiring treatment has a fever, do not use hot wraps (caution: heat build-up).

Application areas:

  • Sore throat
  • Cough (cover with a bath towel if necessary)
  • Earache (fix with a headband if necessary. If the person concerned does not like heat, the onion compress can also be applied cold).
  • Insect bites (cold application)


  • Inner cloth (Cotton gauze)
  • Middle cloth (Fustian)
  • Outer cloth (Molleton)
  • 1-2 medium-sized onions

Cut the onions into fine pieces, place them on the cotton gauze and fold them into a suitable pack.

Tempered application:

Place the pack on the upside-down pan lid and place it on a pan with boiling water. Allow the pack to warm up.

Check the heat with your inner forearm (caution: risk of burns).

When it is hot enough, place the onion compress on the sore part of the throat and secure with the fustian and molleton.

Keep asking whether the temperature is OK. If necessary, renew after 20-30 minutes.

Cold application:

Place the onion compress on the affected area and secure with the fustian and molleton (elastic bandage if necessary)

Tip for insect bites: Cut the onion in half, squeeze lightly and place the cut surface on the sting. Allergic reactions require a consultation with your family doctor.

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