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Pair of eyes behind medicinal plants

EGK therapist centre

Are you looking for a therapist or naturopath near you?
Use our therapist finder (only in German, French and Italian).

Therapist finder

EGK stands for complementary medicine.

Registration as EGK therapist

Therapists and naturopaths can register with the EGK Therapy Centre (only in German, French and Italian). 


Do you have any further questions?

You can reach us personally on +41 (0)32 623 64 80 or by e-mail (
If you have any insurance questions, please contact your agency directly.

SNE Foundation

More than 30 years ago, EGK set up the SNE Foundation for Naturopathy and Alternative Medicine. The SNE manages the EGK therapist centre on behalf of the EGK.  

The SNE page is only available in German, Italian, and French.

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