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Open book, man runs over it, blueberries roll away

Playgroup engagement, 22 June 2021

Working together to protect the environment: out and about with Waldhaasä playgroup

We are pleased to present the first engagement supported by EGK-Gesundheitskasse:

Playgroup engagement:
All year long, the children pick up the litter that others have left behind. The children know exactly how litter can damage nature and even cause animals to die.

Long-held dream:
The playgroup was saving up for a new fire bowl for grilling sausages, baking bread and cooking soup.
To thank the group and their leaders, Sarah and Patricia, for their commitment, we fulfilled their long-held dream of a fire bowl.

A day in the forest with the children:
We had a wonderful day of sunshine and rain in the forest. Everyone got stuck in and worked hard to collect litter. As a reward for their efforts, the children also received a delicious lunch, a dessert and an EGK gym bag filled with sun cream, plasters and an EGK colouring set.

All in all, a great day with lots of smiling, happy children.

Sustainability in two ways:

  • Waste is disposed of
  • The children are sensitised and do not throw waste into nature themselves


Logo forest playgroup Waldhaasä with writing and a rabbit head

Impressions from our forest clean-up day

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