Ranked second on the list of best insurance companies 2025

In summer 2024, Handelszeitung, HZ Insurance, PME and Statista conducted an in-depth analysis.

In the area of health insurance, we achieved an outstanding second place.

For the second time, Handelszeitung, HZ Insurance, PME and Statista have recognised and awarded “Switzerland’s best insurance companies” following a comparison across 36 different categories. 

The best were chosen based on the results of an online survey of 2,800 Swiss respondents who were asked about their experiences with insurance companies, e.g. as customers or employees. Besides overarching dimensions such as satisfaction and loyalty, customers were able to rate their insurers according to various sub-dimensions.
Ratings were converted into a scoring model and summarised into an overall score.

What makes this survey even more significant than comparable surveys, in our view, is the fact that Statista accompanied the random sampling with an open survey, evaluating key criteria such as willingness to recommend.

The results were published in Handelszeitung and PME on 6 February 2025.