The dream of having your own child...

... and what if it cannot be fulfilled without the support of reproductive medicine: Read more about this in our just published issue of the EGK health magazine Vivere.

Get married, build a house, start a family - that's what the perfect life plan looks like for some people. But the wishes don't always come true in this order. This editorial is therefore devoted to the question of what can be done if having children doesn't work out, and what support basic insurance can offer.

Finding the right partner with BetterDoc

The importance of the ideal therapeutic partner becomes particularly apparent when an acute health problem is involved. Since patients are often unable to assess the quality of a doctor directly, EGK has been working with BetterDoc for about a year. In the current issue of Vivere, you can also find out how this service, which is free of charge for EGK insurants, leads to better quality and less idle time in treatment.

And this time, too, there is a not everyday competition prize to be won. We are giving away three times two autographed books on humor and comedy by the well-known artist and laughter coach Niccel Steinberger, spouse of cabaret artist Emil Steinberger. Laughter guaranteed!