Versatile daisy

In the current EGK newsletter, the daisy comes to honor. The messenger of love not only helps against heartache, but for centuries also against physical ailments.

He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me.... The daisy as a messenger of spring is much more than a love oracle against confused feelings. In medicine, the ubiquitous little plant from March to October actually has a long tradition. Even the scholar Gerard Meermann (1722 - 1771) advised "to use the daisy ground with fresh butter against any pain of the joints" - that is, to apply it. In homeopathy it relieves pain even in severe bruises. It is also known for its blood purifying effect and that it is also used against skin diseases. In addition, the daisy can be mixed with other lung herbs such as thyme, plantain or coltsfoot and used very well in a bronchial or cough infusion. However, if you want to be absolutely sure, it is best to ask a naturopath or a designated druggist about the applications.

Recipe free home

Because the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, daisy blossoms are perfect for a light spring salad, where their high vitamin C content helps to cleanse the body after the winter months. If you are interested in our recipe "Spring Salad with Daisies and Arugula Vinaigrette", take a look at the Herbal Knowledge Archive on our website. In addition, if they subscribe to our newsletter, you will receive a new herb recipe every month with even more background knowledge.