What do our customers like?

People usually base their choice of health insurance on three criteria.

When choosing the right health insurance, there are three factors that come into play for most people: price, insured benefits and – most of all – other customers’ experiences. As when looking for the perfect hotel for your next holidays, many people want to know: what are other people saying?

To answer this question, we asked our policyholders this summer why they opted for EGK-SUN supplementary insurance. Four of them even stood in front of the camera to give their answer and showed us how varied people’s needs are when choosing the right insurance solution.

Hear what our policyholders have to say:

  • Moa Bomolo, professional break dancer, values the regular sports massages from EGK.
    To the video
  • Kathrin Reber, passionate yoga enthusiast, swears by a holistic lifestyle. She likes that we support her in her choice of therapist and offer benefits over and above the basic insurance.
    To the video

Find out more about our customers’ personal experiences in just 20 seconds. Click on the videos and find out why EGK-SUN is right for you.