EGK ParaPhone - free information for complementary medicine
The holistic view of human beings requires a holistic view of therapeutic options. Because not every malaise and illness need a radical intervention. Persons who have taken out EGK-SUN and EGK-SUN-BASIC A supplementary insurance can easily find out about complementary medical therapies.
With the supplementary service EGK-ParaPhone you get free access to expert complementary therapy advice from the Swiss specialist for complementary medicine, Paramed AG. This service is easy and accessible by telephone.
Conventional and complementary medicine in sync
Since 1995, the name Paramed has stood for quality in complementary medical education and the intensive collaboration of conventional and complementary medicine. The Paramed telephone team will assess with you whether medical treatment or an in-depth personal consultation is needed. If so, which therapy is best for you? Which alternatives are possible? You will find helpful answers to these questions.
The ParaPhone consultation focuses on complementary medical options. As natural as possible - following conventional medicine as necessary. You will be advised individually and holistically.
Expert advice
Benefit from this offer for questions relating to complementary medical methods and their possibilities. You receive a free telephone consultation by the specialists of Paramed AG - either directly when you call or during a callback at an agreed-upon time.
0800 42 42 00
Monday to Friday: 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
At these times, the specialists will advise you personally and free of charge about the therapeutic options.
If you wish, you will be guaranteed an appointment at Paramed AG in Baar for a fee. Payment for your treatment is based on the conditions of your supplementary insurance.