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Finding the right insurance solution is sometimes not easy. Our customer advisers are therefore happy to take time for you.

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EGK-SUN: supplementary insurance for complementary medicine.


Are you familiar with anthroposophic medicine and TCM? Are you interested in further complementary medicine therapies? With EGK-SUN supplementary insurance, you can choose the treatments and remedies that suit you. 
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  • All-in-one supplementary insurance for complementary and conventional medicine
  • Equality between naturopaths and doctors
  • free access to complementary medicine
  • free choice of hospitals throughout Switzerland
  • Protection abroad
  • comprehensive maternity benefits
  • Orthodontics for children

Personal support

Our customer advisors are always ready to listen to your concerns and needs.

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Find a therapist

The EGK therapist office provides certified specialists and supports you in finding the right therapeutic approach for you.


Would you like more information, do you have any questions, or would you like a quote? Give us your contact information and we will get in touch.


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